Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Shark and the bait fish

Researchers once conducted an experiment on a shark . In this experiment, they placed a large shark in a huge tank and released bait fish as its prey. The shark immediately attacked the fish and had a splendid meal.Now, the researchers placed a clear, transparent glass and partitioned the tank into two halves. They released the bait fish on one  side while the shark was placed on the other side of the tank. Now as soon as the bait fish crossed the shark's eye, the shark readily moved forward to attack them. But the shark is slammed into the fibre glass and is bounced of. Undeterred , the shark  keeps attacking for every two minutes  but is knocked down everytime. This experiment is repeated on the next day and the shark attacks less vigorously this time. On repeating this experiment over three  more weeks, the researchers observed that the shark gave up attacking altogether. Now the partition was removed but the shark didn't even try to attack the bait fish even though there was nothing to stop it from attacking the bait and the bait fish swam free from harm.
MORAL:Often in life we experience setbacks and failures and eventually give up and stop trying similar to the shark in the experiment. We feel that as we were unsuccessful in the past, we will be unsuccessful in our present also. We fail to see that the barrier which was once stopping us, is now gone and there is 'real barrier' between "where we are" and "where we want to go".